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Business Video Call

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Local Planning Grant Program


Visions Northwest was awarded funding from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to support broadband planning activities that will inform the state Five-Year Action Plan which will guide broadband deployment and implementation of the BEAD program. 


The Northwest Wisconsin Regional Broadband Committee was formed with appointees from all nine counties and one tribe that opted into working with Visions Northwest for the two-year contract period (Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Washburn, and Bad River Tribe). 


As the committee and grant work move forward, this webpage will be periodically updated. If you have questions about Visions Northwest's BEAD grant and our work, please reach out to Crystal Rohde, Visions Northwest Administrator, at
















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