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Workforce Development


The Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board (NWWIB) is a regional body charged with oversight of the Wisconsin Job Centers and the employment and training programs that comprise the workforce development system in 10 counties of northwest Wisconsin: Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Price, Iron, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, and Washburn. The board, comprised of business leaders and workforce development professionals, is the regional body who governs the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and is committed to creating a competitive workforce that meets the changing needs of the citizens and businesses of our area.


The Wisconsin Regional Career Pathways (RCP) approach is a statewide effort to deliver high-quality career pathways in high schools that reflect the needs and vision of a regional collaborative group of employers, education, and economic and workforce development.

Techstart is a collaboration between CVTC (ChippewaValley Technical College), WITC (Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College) Visions Northwest and Momentum West designed to increase the number of internships and apprenticeships in Northwestern Wisconsin. The initiative emphasizes connecting students from Northwestern Wisconsin tech colleges with small and mid-sized organizations to gain professional experience.

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