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A Look at Young Professionals, Talent, and Attraction in Northwest Wisconsin


Building upon discussion and outcomes from our 2016 RIsE Sessions, Visions Northwest, Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board and the Northwest Wisconsin Educators for Regional Development, hosted a series of three breakfast sessions throughout the region focused on young professionals, talent, and attraction in Northwest Wisconsin. Our first session was held at WITC in Shell Lake on April 5th. We then traveled to Sharon's Coffee Company in Hurley for our second event on May 10th. To wrap up the sessions, we visited North Cedar Academy in Ladysmith on June 7th. The three events were well-attended and saw a wide-variety of participants. 


The loss of young people is an issue that many of our rural communities are facing throughout the region. Many strategies are being developed and implemented to attract and retain young people throughout the state and across the country. Our 2017 RIsE Sessions provided attendees with information focused on gaining and retaining young people in rural communities. In addition, RIsE engaged the audience with a panel of local young professionals offering insight as to why they choose to live and work in Northwest Wisconsin.​


The final report from the 2017 Sessions presentation on Gaining and Maintaining Young People in Wisconsin Communities can now be viewed online at:





Session Followup

Download our event handout by selecting the image below

View the Presentation from UW Extension Specialists, 
UW-Madison Educators, and Graduate Students: 

Gaining and Maintaining Young Adults in Wisconsin



Gaining and Maintaining Young People in Wisconsin Communities

September, 2017

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